Tag Archives: dolls for toddlers

Corolle Les Classiques Dolls, A Safe Choice For Your Toddler!

9 Mar

Looking for a baby doll for your infant or toddler? Want this doll to give your child years of fun while giving you the knowledge it is well make and safe?

Look no further that the Corolle Baby Doll collection. With age ranges from newborn on up you will find the perfect doll collection that will grow with your child. Whether it be bath time fun, potty training or just good old fashion roll playing Corolle dolls have a doll to suit your needs.

The Corolle “Les Classiques Doll” series has a wide range of sizes, styles and most have special functions. They are offered in five different sizes so that young mommy’s ages 18-months and up can find the perfect baby. Les Classiques Doll functions including potty training, hair styling, and babies that coo and giggle!

Corolle dolls meet or exceed all mandatory and voluntary U.S. safety standards. Their eyes are securely attached, parts have sturdy stitching and dolls with hair have carefully rooted strands to allow your child years of frequent and safe styling and brushing.

A good example of the Les Classiques Doll is the Corolle Bebe Tresor Les Fonctions 14″ Baby Doll. Bebe Tresor is a true baby doll, perfect for toddles 2-years and up. He is a cute and cuddly baby boy with blue sleepy eyes (they close when laid down to sleep), dressing in a white layette set and even includes a pacifier.

Little mommy’s will find Bebe Tresor totally irresistible, press his tummy and he coos, laughs and makes cute baby noises. Of course not all babies are happy “all” of the time, place Bebe Tresor on his tummy and he will cry!

Since its founding in 1979, Corolle has won more than 30 international awards for design and play excellence, including awards from the National Parenting Publications (NAPPA). Corolle’s wide range of products are adapted to every age range, making it possible for children to “Grow with Corolle.”

Product Rated

Little Mommy My Very Real Baby Doll

Disney Princess 2-In-1 Ballgown Surprise Cinderella Doll

Top 5 Tips on Buying Reborn Baby Dolls – Ezine Articles

20 Feb


Reborn baby dolls are life like resembling a baby and it is difficult to tell whether it is real baby or just a doll. These are collected by hobbyists and doll collectors who find them to be totally unique and beautiful.

Range of Sizes

These toys are available in different sizes such as:

Minis which are only about 6 inches in length.
Newborns of length 15″.
Premature babies which are also called as preemies ranging in length 14″ – 16″.
Baby dolls of size that varies between 15″ to 21″.
Toddlers ranging in length from 21″ to 23″.

Owners of these Dolls

There are basically two types in which we can categorize the owners; doll collectors and hobbyists.

Doll Collectors: These are people who buy these toys from reputed companies like Ashton Drake, Berenguer, Apple Valley and Lee Middleton. These are created with expert craftsmanship as well as excellent quality products and are priced in the higher range going up to $500 or more.

Hobbyists: Such people work with a kit that has head, limbs & other body parts. These kits are created by many companies in the country like Secrist. Using these kits they make a life like toy which is very much similar in appearance to a real baby. This kind of hobby has been given the name of reborning.

Where to buy from?

There are many options available if you are interested in purchase these collectible items such as doll artist can be contacted to purchase directly from them, you can also purchase them from craft fairs held in your region and lastly you can search for them at eBay which has a large collection from different companies and artists to select from.

Top Five Buying Tips

Lastly we look at buying tips, these tips will help you make the right purchase & guide you in your decision making process.

At the time on buying online make sure to check the photos so that you can be certain that it looks a real baby.
Ask which color has been utilized. Most suitably it should have genesis heat paints.
Many time purple wash is done on the inside on reborn babies limbs which will tend to leak over a period of time & should be avoided as then the reborn baby starts to look as if bruised.
Hand implantation of hair using micro-rooting makes the hair look completely realistic, so check the description to know which method has been used in creating hair.
Fingers and toes should ideally have glass beads or dusts and polly pellets as fillers in body to give them the soft & cuddlesome features.

Product Rated

Disney Toddler Rapunzel

Madame Alexander, 18″ Playfully Pretty, Favorite Friends Collection

What Do 2 Year Olds Like to Play With?

15 Feb

People without children often find themselves stumped when confronted with the question of what to buy for their friend’s or relative’s toddler. What sort of thing do little children like to play with.

My years of experience as a mother, attending playgroups and socialising with nannies and childminders has shown me that the things that toddlers like best are toys that contain other toys! Children have fantastic imaginations and so for those with a smaller budget you could consider finding a nice box such as a shoe box, or one of those plastic boxes that are used for washing gel capsules. You could then buy several little toys such as plastic farm animals or toy cars and put them in the box. Wrap the whole lot up and give to the beloved toddler in question.

Those with a large budget should consider a wooden dolls house or a children’s toy kitchen. These are also ideal. A doll’s house is great as it usually has several ways of accessing the house such as a lifting roof as well as an opening front. This makes it ideal for more than one child to play with at once (a great idea if you’re buying for twins!). The toddler will delight in moving all the furniture about the rooms. You will probably find all the furniture scattered around the playroom – but at least you will know that the toy is being enjoyed.

Another alternative would be a children’s toy kitchen. These are enjoyed by both boys and girls as they both enjoy pretending to be like their mummy and daddy. As with the dolls houses, most of the fun will come from opening the oven door and putting things in or taking them out. With this in mind, remember to buy a set of toys saucepans and play food to go with the kitchen.

If you object to buying a toy kitchen for a little boy though, I can recommend toy workbenches which have similar appeal to kitchen’s and dolls houses. The toddler can remove all the little toys like the toy screw drivers and hammers and spend hours replacing them in the rights spots.

Product Rated

Barbie Fashionistas – Barbie Doll

Disney Princess Beauty Tote (Hang Tag)

Toys Your Young Toddler Will Love

8 Feb

When considering what toys to choose for your young toddler, (one year olds), it’s important to look at the child’s abilities and interests in terms of physical, mental and social areas of development.

On a physical developmental level young toddlers exercise and increase their physical skills such as pulling, pushing, dumping, knocking down, and climbing. By two years of age they can usually catch a large ball, string large beads, (beads should be 1 ¾ inches diameter). Toddlers are exploring all these movements and activities but as yet have rarely mastered them.

Mental abilities and interests center on cause and effect and objects that move or can be moved. Children likes to combine objects and make simple block structures, simple stacking toy structures and put simple puzzles together. Curiosity applies to everything around them as young toddlers experiment with objects, group, match, and sort and identify objects. Water play is a favorite and pre-writing skills emerge with the first scribbles and marks on paper. Imitative play begins to emerge in a simple fashion, especially caretaking and housekeeping.

Social ability and interests are focused very much on adults as children attempts adult tasks. Much play is solitary and children tend to play in parallel near each other rather than together. Children express affection for others and show preference for certain dolls, stuffed animals and toys. Being read to is a huge favorite (especially nursery rhymes) as is looking at picture books and picture reading. Interactive games such as tag and peek-a-boo become interesting around 1 ½ years.

Consider the following toys that match the above abilities and interests of your young toddler:

– Push and pull toys with large handles and large wheels. Toys that have special noise and action effects. Doll carriages, wagons, rocking horses, riding toys, small lightweight stacking blocks, solid wooden blocks and large hollow building blocks. Simple pre-puzzles with knobs which are easier to use. Peg boards, hidden object toys and simple pop- up toys, nesting cups, shape sorters, fit together toys, pounding and hammering toys, simple matching toys, number/counting boards, toys with screw on action, dressing, lacing and stringing toys, sand and water play toys that are easy to grasp in one hand, sponges, small shovels and pails, bathtub activity centers, tunnels and colanders, small sandbox tools.

– Sports equipment would include soft, low climbing platforms, tunnels, swings, simple low climbing structures, low slides with handrails, soft light weight balls, chime balls, flutter balls, large balls. All outdoor equipment must be supervised by an adult.

– Make believe play requires its own set of toys such as soft bodied or all rubber baby dolls with no hair or moving eyes or movable limbs. The dolls should fit easily into the child’s arms (5-6 inches). Simple accessories for care taking, bottles, blankets, doll clothes, etc. Stuffed toys that are very soft lightweight and easy to handle. Puppets are a favorite, large as well as hand sized puppets to fit the child’s hand. Role play materials such as toy telephones, full length mirrors, housekeeping equipment such as pots and pans and utensils, dress up clothes. Also included should be transportation toys such as cars, trucks.

– Musical Instruments such as drums, cymbals, rhythm sticks are also appropriate. Arts and Crafts materials such as large crayons and sturdy large sized paper should be included.

– Books, including cardboard books, soft books, tactile books and books read by an adult.

By choosing toys that are directly related to children’s developing abilities and interests, all the while keeping an eye on safety, we support their learning process to the maximum of their abilities.

Product Rated

Gund Baby M”My First Doll” for Baby’s First Toy

Corolle Mon Premier Calin 12″ Baby Doll (Calin Laughing Flowers)

Potty Training Dolls For Boys – A Clever Alternative

27 Jan

Potty training dolls for boys don’t get searched for online as much as potty training dolls for girls.

That’s too bad, because toilet training dolls are a terrific potty training aid when you are teaching your toddler new bathroom skills.

I have trained two sons of my own in potty skills and I’ve found that it’s not the doll that matters to little boys – it’s the team effort. Here’s what I mean.

– Potty dolls are an instant companion for your child. He now has a friend to play this new potty game with. Someone to talk to about the whole thing. To stop playing and go with him each and every time Mom, the timer, or his body says “time to go potty”. He also has someone to vent to when he’s tired of playing this game, but Mom says “keep going.”

Don’t underestimate this, by the way. As a parent, I often used my kids’ toys to my advantage.

Me: “you’re tired of using the potty, huh? Have you talked to ____ (potty doll) about this? I wonder what he thinks.”

I often got some pretty insightful comments out of my sons using this strategy. It helped them articulate to me what they were thinking and allowed me to address their concerns without being too confrontational.

After all, we were just talking to the doll.

– Training dolls, well, they train. If you choose an actual potty training doll that takes in liquid and pees that liquid out again, your son can see firsthand how this process works and what is expected of him.

Even if you opt to not use a traditional potty doll, you can use any favorite “friend” of your son’s to make the same important training points.

This is where the concept of a potty doll can really shine with your little boy, but with a little twist.

Are you ready?

Action figures need to learn how to use the potty. Really.

Some little guys really like having a smaller version of them self to potty train with. For these boys, a traditional potty training doll works great.

But that may not be your little guy. So think outside the box just a tiny bit. Action figures are tough characters that some toddlers love to emulate.

Then think tough-guy potty training.

The upside of action figure potty training is that you can carry several in your purse and always have a “man” ready to go into action. Your son will find being responsible for his action figure may help in getting over potty training hurdles.

Maybe your child is not interested in action figures or dolls. That’s fine. Does he have a favorite stuffed animal? Bingo! The nice thing about most stuffed animals is that they’re big enough to wear a pair of big boy undies. This is an easy way to keep your training indirect, at least part of the time, and not trigger so many frustrations.

Mom: “has Teddy Bear been to the potty since we woke up from a nap? You take him to the potty chair and help him. Don’t forget to go potty yourself so Teddy knows you are both big boys.”

Child: “Okay, but I better go first so he’ll know what to do, Mom.”

Potty training dolls for boys are an extremely useful tool, especially if you think creatively. Help your child use his imagination in this positive way and you create an opportunity for him to be a responsible part of the toilet training process.

Product Rated

Disney Basic Toddler Doll – Mulan

Ride Along Dolly – Doll Bicycle Seat with Decorate Yourself Decals

Top Christmas Gifts For Girls In 2011 – Dolls, Collectibles, Toys And More

20 Jan

It might seem silly to discuss the top Christmas gifts for girls in 2011 when the holiday season is still far away, but many people are getting ready to begin their holiday shopping. Many children are already making their Santa wish list and in November, Christmas shopping time officially begins. Large stores have already begun to prepare for the busy 2011 holiday season when U.S. shoppers will spend an anticipated $466 billion. Even though the estimated figure is slightly less than last year’s Christmas shopping season it is still a great number for retailers.

So why do retailers rush to prepare for the holiday shopping season? Store managers have revealed that the trend started during the economic recession. People did not have a lot of money to spend during the Christmas season so they spread out their holiday shopping, buying sale items rather than waiting until the last minute. Right now, it is better for shoppers to wait until they can get special discounts on items that begin on Black Friday. This is a great way for people to shop for the top Christmas gifts for girls in 2011. Here are some great gift ideas for girls that shoppers can find in their local stores or online.

Top Gift Ideas for Girls in 2011 – Popular Dolls

Dolls have always been a popular gift choice for girls. This 2011 offers a great line up of dolls and interactive toys. Parents can choose one of the many types of dolls that are popular this season. Here are some of the hottest dolls on the market:

• Interactive dolls for toddlers and preschoolers like Rock Star Mickey and Lets Rock Elmo. Singing Justin Bieber dolls are popular for pre-teens.

• Barbie fashion dolls are a great gift choice for girls of all ages and older girls will love to receive Bratz Masquerade and Monster High doll collections, which are popular items this season.

• The Baby Alive doll makes a fantastic gift and comes in many different versions. The dolls eat, drink, laugh, cry and blink. The realistic dolls are a favorite among preschoolers.

Collectible Gifts for Girls

Some people think that collectible items are expensive, but people who shop in the right locations can get collectible gifts at an affordable price. Many online stores offer great deals on collectible items including dolls from Hummel, Steinbach Nutcrackers, Barbie, Karito Kids and Wee Forest. Figurines, pins and charm bracelets are popular collectible gift choices for girls this year.

Justin Bieber Gift Ideas

Many young girls are huge Justin Bieber fans who would love to receive a gift from his 2011 collection. Here are some of the most popular Justin Bieber gifts this year:

• Under the Mistletoe CD/DVD
• Justin Bieber Jewelry
• Justin Bieber Toothbrush
• Justin Bieber Tote Bag
• Justin Bieber Wristbands
• Justin Bieber Hoodie
• Justin Bieber cheer shorts
• Justin Bieber pajamas

This wide-ranging Bieber gift collection is available online.

Toys and Games for Girls

There are plenty of toys and games that girls will love to receive on Christmas morning. Here are a few of the most popular toys and games that cost under $50:

• Make-up and beauty kits
• Jewelry and jewelry boxes
• Purses
• Disney music boxes
• Craft kits
• Slumber party theme toys
• Angry Birds game
• Sesame Street toys
• Harry Potter books, DVDs and games

Parents can find many of the most popular gifts for girls online for a reasonable price. Shoppers can save money by purchasing items while they are on sale or from online discount stores. Shopping online is a great way to avoid busy shopping malls during the holiday season and certain stores even offer gift wrapping services for an additional price.

Product Rated


Disney Princess 2-In-1 Ballgown Surprise Cinderella Doll

Melissa & Doug Doll Diaper Changing Set


Why Lifelike Newborn Dolls Are Good For Your Little Girls

13 Jan

Parents must be aware that toys help a lot in their children’s physical, mental and emotional development. That is the reason why parents must choose the right toys for their little kids. Educational toys are surely the best ones for them. But as they grow, they are highly influenced by their surroundings, and one great source is the television. That is probably why kids love to do role playing, just like when little girls would play pretend when playing with their lifelike newborn dolls.

Most girls love playing with these dolls and would even pretend as mothers cuddling their cute little babies. They would dress them up with some infant clothes, together with some infant mittens, socks, jackets and caps. And of course, they have some diapers ready in case their cute dolls pee.

Just like real mothers, they would pretend feeding their dolls with bottled milk. And to make their dolls happy, they would entertain them by reading some bedtime stories or by singing lovely nursery songs. These little kids truly look adorable when they hum some lullabies to make their dolls go to sleep.

Some of these dolls would sound like real babies when they cry. You will be definitely amazed to see that they truly look like real newborn babies. Their hair even looks real. Depending on your children’s preference, they can choose from lots of doll styles and designs. They come in various prices and there are even collectible items available in some stores. Most of these dolls come with cute clothes and accessories that your kids can play with. And to complete the baby doll’s essentials, your little girls would surely like to have a tiny bed or a stroller for their dolls. They would love to pretend strolling their dolls outside the house just like what their parents would often do.

For some girls, their night would not be complete without their dolls on their side whenever they go to sleep. This is a great way of making the kids overcome their fear of being alone in their rooms during the night. It will definitely make them become independent.

It is truly fascinating how wide our kids’ imaginations are. With their young age, they are already aware of how a mother takes care of her children. Unconsciously, they are getting prepared in becoming real mothers in the future. This is surely one way of making our children become responsible individuals.

These kinds of toys are really good for young girls because these help in their emotional development. Pretending to be real mothers would mean that they are aware of the essence of motherhood. Taking care of their dolls require time and effort just like what mothers give to nurture their children.

Lifelike newborn dolls are surely great toys for your young girls. Aside from having fun while playing, they become responsible and independent as well. As young as they are, it is already important that they be taught the right way of becoming good moms. By the time that they become mothers themselves, they are already aware of what to do.

Product Rated

Savannah Dollhouse

Baby Alive Crib Life Friendship Dolls – Hailey Hula

Pretend Play and Its Importance in Children’s Development

6 Jan

Children learn from copying their parents and other people around them from an early age. Pretend play develops their expressive, imaginative, social and language skills and is a vital part of childhood development.

Creative play is fuelled by the imagination and there is an unlimited range of scenarios that can play out in a different way every time. Children love to pretend to be a teacher, a doctor, a vet, a cook and even just helping out with household tasks like cleaning. A chore to adults is often a fun activity to fun children!

Pretend play often involves other children and is therefore plays a vital role in developing social and linguistic skills. Studies have shown that young children who are regularly involved in imaginative play grow up to be more creative, less aggressive and with a wider vocabulary.

Babies can be encourages to start playing creatively by playing games like ‘peek-a-boo’ with them and reading books that encourage imitating animal noises. Toddlers will naturally go on to play in an imaginative way – feeding their dolls imaginary food, pretending to talk on the telephone and generally copying everything that their parents do.

Dolls and soft toys are usually one of the first props that children use in their pretend play. Children are born to be naturally nurturing and will cuddle teddies and carry dolls as if they are real babies. Playing with dolls helps children practice their role as a future adult, caring for them is human instinct and they are encouraged by copying their parents, especially if there is a younger brother or sister around. Little girls love bathing and dressing their dolls just like a real baby and even pushing them around in their own doll’s pram.

Dolls continue to be an important plaything for girls right up to the pre-teen years. Fashion dolls encourage little girls to think about who they want to be when they grow up and act out scenarios from the real world that help them to try out their future roles as adults.

Product Rated

Lalaloopsy Doll – Patch Treasurechest

Fisher-Price Loving Family – Family Manor

The History of Toddler Toys

23 Dec

We know that Roman and Greek toddlers played with clay rattles, animal skin or animal bladder balls, clay rattles, hand carts, clay dolls, hobby horses, hoops and spinning tops. After toddlers reached the age of 3 they continued to play with these toys, but they where also gradually introduced to using tools and weapons. So from a very early age the toys they used where intended to prepare toddlers for their adult lives.

From the dark to the middle ages knucklebones, barrel hoops, wooden toys like tops, wooden horses and puppets where popular. In this period puritans tended to object to these toys for religious reasons. They felt kids should only play with toys that where based on scripture. A popular toy from the period that puritans liked was a wooden carved ark.

By the 18th century the mass production of toys took hold. Pictorial alphabet cards, books, dissected map puzzles and board games sold well.

By the 19th century the quality of the toys had gone up and the prices had come down. Technical toys like steam engines, building blocks, magic lanterns and optical toys like the kaleidoscope and zoetrope sold well. Many of our current day toy companies started out in the 1890s and 1900s. They produced toy soldiers, zoos, farmyards and later cowboys and Indians and railway figures. When World War 2 broke out toy making came to a standstill. All the toy factories where converted for making weapons. For a while home made toys became popular again.

The most notable thing about toys in the 20th century is the influence of radio TV and popular culture on toys. With prices dropping further toys based on TV heroes where bought all over the world. Buck Rogers, Thomas the Tank Engine and My Little Pony are some famous examples.

Battery powered toys in the 20th century has replaced clockwork toys. However different the toys down the ages may seem, many themes tend to repeat themselves. Toys are still there to develop important skills to comfort and entertain.

Some famous toys from history:

Barbie Dolls – Invented in 1959 by Ruth Handler (co-founder of Mattel). The toy was named after Ruth’s daughter Barbara. The Ken doll was named after her son. Barbie has had some criticism over the years. If she was a real human her proportions would be 36-18-38 which is impossible.

Boomerang – There are 2 kinds of Boomerangs. The kind which just goes where you throw it and the kind that comes back. Heavier forms of these sticks where used in War and for hunting in the Australian outback.

LEGO – Lego is a Danish inventions from Ole Kirk Christiansen and his son Godtfred Kirk two Danish toy makers. They invented LEGO in 1949.

Video Games – The first video game was created by A.S. Douglas in 1952. At the time he held a PhD degree at the University of Cambridge on Human-Computer interaction. His first creation was a version of Tic-Tac-Toe.

Product Rated

Lalaloopsy Doll – Patch Treasurechest

Fisher-Price Loving Family – Family Manor

Interactive Dolls Are Always Great Gifts and It’s No Different for Christmas 2010

20 Dec

Christmas is right around the corner and sales are already picking up at merchant’s stores and with online retailers. It’s Black Friday week at the writing of this article so the high shopping season has begun. The big question every year for every parent is just what toy will be the must have toy of the year because somehow the kids always know.

One big toy item each year that is purchased for girls are dolls, lots of different kinds of dolls. With each passing year as technology increases those dolls become more lifelike able to do amazing things. They seem more and more like real infants, toddlers or even pre-schoolers. Each year, these lifelike interactive dolls are sure to found among the top toys to appear under the tree.

The different toy manufacturers such as Hasbro, Mattel and Fisher-Price, compete to provide that one interactive doll that will be the Cabbage Patch doll this Christmas. Remember the long lines of parents frantically searching and hoping to purchase those Cabbage Patch dolls? Or the Tickle Me Elmo craze when it was so hard to find one and they were selling for a small fortune on eBay thanks to Rosie O’Donnell?

One good way to check out what dolls are popular is by checking various lists such as Amazon’s Best Sellers lists. Appearing on the Amazon top 100 interactive dolls list you will find such toys as Elizabeth, the Fully Interactive Baby doll and the 8 inch tall Little Bo Peep musical doll that comes with her own sheep. Right now there is even the 25 year celebration Cabbage Patch Kids Babies Carvel Ice Cream Cone doll from Cabbage Patch Kids. If you are a collector, there’s one to add to your collection this year.

The big winners in Amazon’s top 100 list though are Hasbro’s Baby Alive dolls. As a matter of fact, right now the various interactive dolls and their accessories hold 14 of the top 20 places on the interactive dolls best sellers list. This will mean getting one for your little girl will be sure to place you at the top of her list. You won’t go wrong choosing from one of the Baby Alive doll line for your little girl this Christmas or any Christmas.

The dolls in the line have all levels of interactivity. You can get simple ones that rely on the child’s imagination for all of the interaction. Or you can find dolls that bounce and babble. Even some of them eat, drink, wet their diapers, and talk. There’s even one that a little mommy can potty train.

But Baby Alive dolls are only a few of the interactive dolls available. Watching this year’s commercials aimed at kids show several more that will make acceptable gifts. Learn what your child wants her doll to be able to do and you will find an interactive doll that will do just that.

Product Rated

Melissa & Doug Jenna – 12″ Doll

Baby Alive Crib Life Fashion Play Doll – Makayla Song