Archive | November, 2011

Reliving Your Playtime Fun With Lifelike Baby Dolls

25 Nov

Just the way we toil at jobs for our livelihood and cannot run our life without money, youngsters can’t without toys, especially the ones belonging to the age group two to six. They are so captivated of playthings that they are even ready to skip eating.

What does your child do when you give them a doll? The baby gazes at the doll because of the fascinating real looking parts and little features. The way you understand things is different from the way your toddler does. The toddler looks at every doll as if it were a real, living person. It’s fascinating to watch the way a girl plays with life like baby dolls.

Kids are forever on lookout for new playthings and a doll would be great choice. It is one of the best suitable to meet the various necessities of your baby. Life like baby dolls are worth the price and many are made with good quality. You won’t have second thoughts when you choose to buy a life like doll for your lovable minor.

Life like baby dolls are found in wide kinds to satisfy your ongoing needs. With some playthings your baby sometimes fault you for not buying her the correct ones. You can meet your price and get the right playthings by selecting the right life like baby doll.

Imagine about your minor’s age and behaviors and what kind of activities she typically enjoys. It is important to realize the age component because needs and choices shift with time as toddlers grow up. The playthings they previously thought to be the hottest ones in the earth may recede appeal rapidly.

We also recall us acting like that. We all how often we used to change playthings and only at present, we understand how demanding this thing can be for parents. It is true that there are various studies about children’s psychological science and normally these can help us to better understand why our kid behaves the way she does. Also, we are able nowadays to recognize which the best dolls we can get for them are.

When you buy your life like baby dolls you do not want to hasten or be worried about anything. Just try and match between what your minor wishes and what kind of dolls are available. Youngsters will learn to play on them in efficient ways which assure good psychological and cerebral maturation.

There’s a huge collection of dolls exclusively for your little girls. Fulfill your little one’s wishes by placing an order online or just walk into a store.

Product Rated

Baby Alive Baby Alive My Baby Alive – Blonde

Little Mommy Play All Day Baby


Things to Know About Reborn Baby Dolls

23 Nov

Reborn baby dolls are type of dolls which look very similar to real babies and are purchased by women & different doll collectors. There are various points to keep in mind in terms of taking care of these reborn babies as well as purchasing the right ones.

Taking Proper Care

These toys are to be handled very gently and it is essential that you keep the following tips in mind while using them.

1. Children have the tendency to throw their toys around and pull at their parts which cannot be done with these reborn babies as their parts are loosely attached and can come out quite easily. Additionally, these can cause choking hazard in children.
2. The temperature they are exposed to also needs to be checked as if temperature is very high it can result in melting or distortion of vinyl body and if temperature is very low, the reborn baby’s parts may crack or it could become very brittle.
3. Always comb its hair gently as if you apply force they can come out of the head. Dust can spoil the looks of these toys, so you need to clean it will a soft cloth and can well damp it for cleaning purpose but never try using any polish or cleaner.

Size of a Reborn Baby

These are available in different sizes for you to choose from such as:

1. Length of around 5″-6″ for Minis.
2. Newborns measuring about 14-15″.
3. Premature babies of length 15″ to 17″.
4. Baby dolls of 14″- 20″ in length.
5. Toddlers in the range of 20″-22″.

Make the Right Purchase Decision

If you want to buy one of these then keeping the following points in mind is quite important so that you get value for your money.

1. For online purchase there are many websites available such as eBay & others. The first thing you will have to look at will be the photos to judge if they look like real babies or not. If photos are not available then you should go to some other website and ask the seller to send you the photos first.
2. Different paints and colors used for these but ideally the best option is use of genesis heat paints. In the description or specifications list check it is mentioned which kind of paint has been used.
3. Many of the manufacturers add purple wash inside the limbs which starts to gradually leak with time and the reborn baby will start to appear like bruised. So you need to avoid such dolls also.

As we can see there are many important points which need to be kept in mind while buying these reborn baby dolls so that they remain as they are for a number of years.

Product Rated

Lalaloopsy Doll – Misty Mysterious

KidKraft Majestic Dollhouse


Personalized Soft Toys and Fabric Baby Books – Unique Gifts For Children!

21 Nov


Toys are essential in a child’s growing years. Soft toys are particularly popular among children, especially teddy bears and dolls. Some children even grew up into their teenage years, having all the toys that they had when they were babies. Some people even kept their childhood toys until they became adults and passed them on to their own children.

Nowadays, toys are not limited just to teddy bears and dolls. Many toy manufacturers are creating new toys every day. Fabric toys are now available handmade in high quality materials. They are available in forms of soft books, fabric blocks and even educational textile playsets. These baby toys are made of fabric that is soft and safe for children of all ages, from babies, to toddlers and young children. Babies in their teething period may bite on these soft toys and parents do not need to worry because they are made of materials that are not hazardous to children. These products are tested by established organizations and are guaranteed safe. The fabric toys are also very versatile. Little boys and girls will definitely enjoy playing with them and learn new things every day.

Since the soft toys are made of fabric, they are washable. If they are dirty, all the parents have to do is follow the cleaning instructions. The cloth toys and fabric books are lightweight and easy to carry as most of them come with carrying box or bag made of cloth and vinyl. Handmade toys tend to be a little costly compared to factory made toys, but these handmade toys are made to last. With good care and handling, these quality soft toys can be used many times over and they usually last for years. Parents will save a lot of money with these handmade soft toys because they can pass them on to their younger children in the future, and possibly to their grandchildren.

The baby fabric books, personalized soft toys and educational fabric playsets are great as gifts. They can be given as baby shower gifts, children’s birthdays, or as personalized Christmas gifts. They are especially perfect as gifts for expecting mothers too. Since they are made of fabric, they can be personalized with the child’s name. This makes the gift truly unique, parents will appreciate the effort, and thoughts put into making such a beautiful and unique gift. These soft fabric toys are great as educational tools for children, particularly babies and toddlers. Many of the products, such as the fabric alphabet playsets and the imaginative play sets with fabric books are made with extra attention to the educational values that children can learn from them. The fabric alphabet playsets can also be mounted on the walls as decorations of schools, children’s nurseries and even at home. Available in various languages such as English and Hebrew, the fabric alphabet playsets are not to be taken as just a toy, but definitely as an important learning material for children.

Who says that educational materials need to be plain and boring? The soft toys are making waves with the varieties of educational products. All the soft toys are made in assorted colors and they are definitely made with love. Parents who want to provide the best for their children should consider getting soft toys and fabric baby books for their kids.

Product Rated

Fisher-Price Magical Fairy Dora the Explorer

Fisher-Price Brilliant Basics Hug ‘n Giggle Baby


Buying The Best Toys For Toddlers

19 Nov

A large number of new toys are launched every year, especially during Christmas time. Throughout the year, too, the markets are flooded with games and toys of many different kinds. You can give any of these to your kids. But choosing the best toys for toddlers can be a very difficult task if you really want to buy the ideal toys for them.

Toys can be bought either on the basis of the gender of the toddler or on the basis of his or her age. For many years, girls have and always will, loved dressing up their dolls and playing with doll houses and tea sets. On the other hand, boys prefer toys like vehicles and building toys. So it is always advisable to buy accordingly.

The age group to which the child belongs is also an important point to be kept in mind when you want to buy the best toys for toddlers. Toddlers are children below four years of age but a toy actually meant for a two year old child will definitely be useless if given to a four year old child. So keep in mind the exact age of the toddler and not just the age group. Also be careful that the toy is not hazardous in any way.

For newborn babies and very small toddlers, you may want to buy rattles and teethers. For slightly older kids, you can buy soft toys, soft musical instruments, building blocks, and walkers. For older kids, go for playhouses, dolls, coloring books, and picture or story books.

Some toys are meant only for fun and to make toddlers happy. Kids can turn anything into a play thing and can derive amusement out of it. But toys designed especially for this purpose are very popular. Anything that is noisy or bright and colorful is bound to be liked by children. These include battery operated games, cars, monsters, puppets, moving dolls, and building blocks.

But there are a different set of toys which are designed not only for entertainment, but for education as well. These toys are usually for toddlers between the ages of two and four. They help in the development of the child’s memory skills, hand-eye coordination, motor skills and creativity. In this way, these educational toys prepare the toddler for pre-school without them even realizing it. Some such toys include puzzles, colorful building blocks, and memory cards.

You will be able to buy the best toys for toddlers by keeping all these considerations in mind. And you are surely bound to learn by experience. Once you’ve learned which toys your toddler likes the most and which are also great for learning, it will be easier to pick out the best toys in the future.

Product Rated

Corolle Mon Premier Calin 12″ Baby Doll (Calin Laughing Flowers)

Madame Alexander Baby Cuddles – 14 Inch


Dolls for Boys – Let Boys Play With Dolls

3 Nov

I once witness a take a look at the place a group of young children under 1 12 months outdated were put in a room with a bunch of toys. With out exception all the little boys went straight for the cars and building toys; whereas the entire little women headed for the dolls, baby mattress, toy prays and so on. Pure intuition!

The test showed that women are born with a maternal intuition, and that boys merely don’t have that very same predisposition. So by imply of nature ladies are extra attracted to dolls and boys are more attracted to automobiles or building toys. Grownups are really excellent at sustaining this pattern; some even to an extent that they fear that enjoying with a doll may have a negative impact on their son – which after all is an outdated myth! in reality that while you let your little boy play with dolls, he’s going to stimulate helios paternal instinct and advance skills so one can lend a hand him grow as a lot as be a caring, loving and protective husband and father.

Fortunately we now have come a ways when you do not forget that our grandparents were young and it was as quickly as out of the question that a boy may play with a doll instead of a motion figure. Most brand new oldsters and educators agree that play will have to without a doubt now not be break up by suggests of gender. Kids will have to be inspired to let their imagination information them and play with no subject they feel like, whether it historically would were regarded as a female or a masculine toy. No harm in giving your little son a baby doll to play with, and for the little toddlers and small youngsters that you may now get some truly nice boy dolls.

The us an firm international inexperienced pals have created a line of 5 eco-friendly mushy dolls product of a hundred percent oeko-tex certified natural cotton. each doll has a mission and a core atmospherical issue, which make them a great tutorial toy that can result in quite a bit of great and enjoyable interplay. The mission of each buddy is described in somewhat tag, which is after all is printed on recycled paper, to be in a position to inspire and can lend a hand you teach your youngster of the good factors you are ready to do to support the atmosphere and be extra eco-friendly.

The international green buddies encompass three woman dolls and two tremendous cool boy dolls, which are more probably to appeal to even the most boyish of boys.

* recycle Kyle is a fun skateboarder, who on helios approach via city gathers cans and plastic bottles in his organic messenger bag and makes positive they go to recycle.
* carbon offset chest is a cool air plane pilot, who flies his solar-powered air simple world-wide and educates us easy methods to cut back our carbon footprint.

I’m positive most boys would be delighted to have their very own little inexperienced pal. A mushy doll is easy to convey alongside, put in bag, nice to cuddle and merely a super toy. If you’re searching for cool delicate dolls for boys, recycle Kyle and carbon offset chest are two positive winners.

Eva Emilie is the proprietor of the Canadian online retailer little cool toys. Her Scandinavian/european heritage is reflected in the choice of pure and eco-friendly toys that she hand-picks from producers in europe, north the use and Canada. Toys value protecting.

Product Rated

Disney Sing And Storytelling Belle

Melissa & Doug Fold and Go Mini Dollhouse